This summer, I did something that I had been waiting to do for a long time. I took a week off of work and went hiking. It didn’t go exactly as I planned. I didn’t take as many trails as I originally wanted, but I still had an amazing time. I really loved every minute of it. When I got back, one of my co-workers commented on how I seemed to be more confident, that by going out and taking this trip for myself, and by myself, I had gained something. After thinking about his word, I decided that this was no time to quit. I am not going to go back to the way my life was. I am going to continue to make the changes I have always meant to make, but never took the time.

I have broken my goals down into four separate categories.

I want to declutter my stuff – I have grown up in a family that holds onto everything. We have knickknacks in every corner of the house, and there is just no purpose for them. I don’t even have space to put all of my junk so it just sits in boxes. It’s time for it to go!

I want to eat healthier – I work on 3rd shift, and so I eat at a different time than most people. I am also the pickiest eater that I know. Unfortunately, this has led me to living off of soda, chocolate, mac and cheese, burgers, and chicken. It is time to expand my palate to include healthy, plant-based meals.

I want to have less of an impact on the environment – The environment is important! Nothing frustrates me more than having to listen to people who can’t tell the difference between weather and climate. I want to create less waste, and make a habit of using more renewable resources. It is important to be sustainable.

I wan’t to be financially stable – I moved back in with my parents as a college drop out with tens of thousands of dollars in student. I have paid off more than half, and the end is in sight. My plan is to pay off the last $22 thousand in the next year, but I hope to do it sooner.

I want to travel – This is the big one for me. For so long I’ve looked at pictures and thought ‘I wish I could go there.’ Now I am going to make it happen. I am no longer going to make excuses about money or time. I’m just going to find a way.

I fully admit that my reasons for starting this blog are mostly motivational. My hope is that by having a place to record what I am doing, I will be more likely to follow through on my plans. Fingers crossed.